Won't You Be My Neighbor: Marston Luce


Feeling a bit of Scandinavian withdrawal coming on?  I do.  Well, lucky for me I always have the option of strolling over to Marston Luce, ​a delightful antique shop here in Georgetown specializing in French and Swedish antiques.  They've been in business in DC for over 30 years, and it shows. The store is beautifully arranged and expertly curated by Elisabeth Wulff Wine, a completely delightful and charming Dane.

Enter, and the cacophony of the busy streets fade away and you’re struck by the colorfully eclectic selection of choice finds.  There's a tranquil and feminine air about the place.  

Wine's distinctive eye is reflected in tablescapes whose elements cross the boundaries of countries and centuries. For example, one desktop display combines an 1810 bronze ormolu clock and a pair of Swedish empire candlesticks with a 1950s toilet set and a 1960s Murano glass platter in swirling pastels.

Swedish furniture forms the centerpiece of the store’s collection, and Wine is understandably fond of its distinctive style. “I love the Swedish look. It’s so simple and so elegant. And it looks nice to mix it.”

It’s exactly that sense of personal expression that Wine emphasizes as she sums up her outlook on décor: “People’s own taste is very important, even when working with a decorator. That’s what makes a home very personal.”
